Jean Lovett

Speech Specialist

Behind the Jean’s Mini Brand Design

Jean initially came to me looking for a basic website to promote her recently written book, Baby, Talk About It. After diving a bit deeper with Jean and her goals for her site, it became clear that she had some big plans in mind to help further her mission of helping parents help their children speak. Though her plan wasn’t fully fleshed out (just yet) we knew that before creating a website that could effectively promote her amazing book, she needed a strong, personal brand that aligned with her mission and vision. Her personal brand would serve as solid foundation upon which her website could be expanded down the road, wherever she decided to take her career as a Coach, Speech Specialist, and Author.

The Visual Concept

Logo Breakdown

  1. Even as a static image, the ripples of the logo appear to be vibrating and radiating outward in a sphere, like the sound waves that fill the room in your sessions..

  2. The flowing, concentric circles are symbolic of other elements found in nature, like the rings found in the cross-sections of a tree trunk or a gemstone, as well as the ripples in water, reinforcing the tie between sound healing and the natural world.

  3. This sinuous typeface is a cohesive visual tie-in to the icon above it, incorporating the same thin and thick lines, and its loops are a nod to the infinite nature of our spiritual existence


This comprehensive guide will give you a solid understanding of what’s included in your branding investment, and what to expect when we collaborate!


Source Sound Healing