Are you getting the most out of your brand? Avoid this common mistake.

So, you've got this amazing product or service, and you're ready to shout it from the rooftops. But wait! Before you hit that upload button and unleash your content into the digital universe, let's talk about one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs often make—the touchpoint blunder. It's that moment when the temptation to take shortcuts in communication creation leads to a myriad of missed opportunities. As a designer, I've seen it all, and it's time to address the elephant in the room (or rather, the pixelated JPG on social media).

The Shortcut Syndrome

Entrepreneurs, we get it. Time is money, and sometimes, shortcuts seem like the magic solution to get your message out there faster. But trust me, the shortcut syndrome can lead to a communication nightmare. Taking that brochure page and casually tossing it onto social media or enlarging a social graphic into a poster might save minutes, but it's costing you in terms of impact and engagement.

Tailoring Content for Each Touchpoint

Social Graphics

Let's start with the realm of thumb-scrolling and hashtagging. Social media is a beast of its own, and treating it like a dumping ground for all your visuals won't cut it. Break up text-heavy content into multiple slides—think of it as the PowerPoint presentation of the digital age. Keep your visuals clean, engaging, and, for the love of scroll-happy users, don't cram too much text into the image. Use the post caption to spill the juicy details and leave the image to capture attention.


Ah, the humble brochure, the unsung hero of in-person encounters. When creating one, think of it as your brand's show-and-tell moment. Design each page purposefully, allowing for a logical flow of information. Use high-quality visuals, concise text, and remember that whitespace isn't the enemy—it's your friend. A cluttered brochure is like trying to squeeze into skinny jeans after a buffet—uncomfortable for everyone involved.


Time to go big or go home, right? Posters are your chance to make a statement. Enlarging a social graphic might sound tempting, but don't fall into that trap. Consider the poster's environment, the distance from which it will be viewed, and design with bold, attention-grabbing visuals. Use minimal text and make your message punchy. Think of it as the billboard of your brand—short, sweet, and impossible to ignore.


Flyers are the guerrilla warfare of communication, meant to be distributed far and wide. Opt for eye-catching visuals, concise headlines, and a clear call-to-action. Less is more in this context; too much information will overwhelm your audience. The goal is to spark curiosity and prompt them to seek more details.

Display Signage

Whether it's at a trade show or your physical storefront, display signage is your brand's silent spokesperson. Make it count. Ensure your visuals are attention-grabbing, and the messaging is concise and compelling. Think about your audience's viewpoint and the key information they need. It's not about saying everything; it's about saying the right things.

Don’t forget…

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, taking shortcuts might seem like a good idea, but in the long run, it's like using a dull blade—you might get through, but it won't be pretty. Tailoring your content for each touchpoint is the secret sauce to make your brand memorable and impactful. So, let's raise a virtual toast to thoughtful communication, engaging content, and saying goodbye to the shortcut syndrome. After all, you've got stuff to do, and so do we—let's get it done, brilliantly!


Designing Beyond Trends: The Ever-Shifting Creative Landscape.