Brand Strategy, Design, and Websites for Health & Wellness Professionals Who are Ready to Cut through the Clutter.

Reach Your DREAM Clients & Change More Lives Through Strategic Branding.

You’re passionate about helping others, but branding and marketing can feel like a maze.

With over fifteen years of experience and a personal commitment to wellness, I'm here to help you create a compelling brand that attracts loyal clients and builds a thriving community.

  • Every time your audience sees or hears a message you put out there, you want them to KNOW that it’s coming from YOU. People are inundated with ads and media these days and our brains can only retain so much, but a consistent look and feel that reflects your brand will eventually become familiar in the mind of your potential clients, helping them to know, like, and trust you over time.

  • The Health and Wellness industry is a rapidly growing niche, so standing out can be a challenge. The right Brand Designer will focus on strategy first, diving deep into what makes you different and designing a brand that is a true reflection of your business, product, or service.

  • Your brand is not just your logo, your font, or your colors. It’s the “big picture” story that you’re telling your clients about who you are and what you do, and why it matters to their goals, their values, and their life. It’s a hard sell to get people to invest in themselves, but an effective brand will connect with people on an emotional level, and emotion drives decision.

    Professional Brand Strategy and Design bridges the gap between what you offer your potential clients, and what they see first.

  • A professionally designed brand that is cohesive and consistent tells your audience that you are a legitimate Business Owner who takes what you do seriously. You know that your clients can’t DIY their way through their wellness journey… likewise, they’ll know if you’re DIY-ing your way through your brand.

I Help Wellness Pros Thrive with Powerful


Develop a clear, compelling brand strategy based on your unique story, mission/vision, brand personality & competitor and audience research.


Visually stunning design that resonates with your audience and builds trust through a cohesive brand suite, including logo design, color palettes, font pairings, business cards, branded templates, & more.


Build a professional, user-friendly Squarespace website that showcases your brand, drives client engagement, and is simple to update.


“Vanessa Colangelo from Life Well Branded, Co. is the only designer that has been able to bring our vision to life in way we didn't realize was possible. Not just a home run, a grand slam!”

— Ryan, the TBYL Show

“I cannot say enough how grateful and appreciative I am for the amount of love Vanessa poured into my rebranding. It's more beautiful than I ever could have imagined for myself! From the colors, to the font, and everything else, she perfectly matched it to my personality and the kind of energy I bring to the work I do.”

— Catherine, IBCLC

“From the color palette, to the fonts, to the design concept… Vanessa created such a cohesive and beautiful brand that took everything I had imagined to the next level. Her attention to detail is phenomenal.”

— Taj, Good Moon Mama


Brand Designer by Day. Fitness Coach by Crack-of-Dawn. Wellness Fanatic ALWAYS.

I'm not just a designer; I'm a wellness advocate and a mother who's walked the path of personal transformation. With fifteen years in branding and an insider’s perspective on the health and wellness industry, I offer a unique approach to building brands that truly connect. Together, let’s create a brand that reflects your passion and drives your business forward.

The Stories that Shaped their Brands

I want to help other women who suffer with similar things that I struggled with.

I want to help them discover their self worth and improve their overall confidence. Looking back, I have always been good at coaching people and pushing others, but it wasn’t until I worked on myself and cleared my mind that I discovered my purpose was to help other women find true happiness within themselves.”

Melisa Dervisvick, Radiant Life Wellness Coaching

“After being frustrated by a lifetime of being the overweight/fat guy, and years of not committing 100% to yoyo dieting, I hit a point in my life when I looked at my wife and daughter and said I drastically needed to make a real change.

My journey to better physical health made me realize I needed to most importantly improve my mind’s wellness. Doing just that along this path opened up the door for me to share all that has been given to me to make me who I am today through the food I make.

I want to see more success stories!”

Dale Litz, Executive Chef, Stacked Plates


This comprehensive guide will give you a solid understanding of what’s included in your branding investment, and what to expect when we collaborate!

The (Brand for Life) Package

A One-Time Investment in the Life of Your Brand

I believe in empowering entrepreneurs with the tools they need to confidently apply their brand moving forward, without having to hire a Designer for every design need.

Canva Brand Hub setup

Your logos, color codes, fonts, and supporting graphic elements right at your fingertips.

Branded Templates

To simplify and elevate your brand with a cohesive digital presence.

Full Brand guide + One-SHeet

To help keep your brand consistent in
the hands of others.

A Life Well Branded for you, is a Life Well Lived for them.