I believe in the power of art & design to influence positive change in the world.

I promise to pour my heart and soul into your brand the same way you pour yours into your business and your clients. I thrive on giving form to the formless, and will craft you a unique and compelling brand that is a true reflection of who you are, what you believe in, and the life-changing experience you provide.

Looking Forward.

We’re a great fit to work together if you’re cool with…

HAVING a little fun.

I take what I do seriously, but not so much myself. The best creative work comes when we’re light and free, and can loosen up a bit. I love meeting and connecting with all kinds of people, and my projects with my clients never feel like work. I promise to make this an enjoyable process where we’ll not only craft your killer brand, but have a few laughs along the way.

A thorough creative process.

If you’re looking for a one-day or one-week “branding sprint” to get your project done super fast, I’m not your girl. Just like free logo generators or your Aunt’s Cousin’s Friend who can draw won’t be able to design an effective logo that truly represents your brand, neither will a designer who throws something together in 4 days.

Before even diving into logo sketches and color exploration, I conduct audience and competitor research to gain a better understanding of what’s working and not working in your industry, and to make sure your brand stands out from the crowd. I’ll provide you with a brand questionnaire where we’ll dive deep into your “why”, your values, what experience you want to provide your clients, and use that knowledge to inform the design choices that will build your look and feel.

a coach, as much as a designer.

With 15 years of branding and design experience, I have a thorough understanding of the psychology of color, line, texture, and typography, and how they combine to convey a certain impression. Throughout our time together, I’ll talk you through my design choices and why they will effectively tell your brand’s story and resonate with your audience. I will answer your questions, address any concerns, and provide you with helpful branding tips and tricks you can use when applying your new brand.

A few coffee dates or google meets.

Yep, we’re going to get to know each other really well over here! Communication is always key (especially when it comes to design) and a huge part of it is nonverbal. We’ll schedule a Google Meet (or meet up in person if you’re local!) in the beginning for your Brand Strategy Workshop where we’ll map out specific deliverables that will be most helpful for your business. Plus, throughout the project we’ll meet to discuss the finished designs of certain phases.


When your final assets are delivered, I want you to feel confident and ready to apply them. Based on the package you choose, I’ll provide you with everything you need to maintain your cohesive, on-brand, professional appearence.

A Life Well Branded for you, is a Life Well Lived for them.


This comprehensive guide will give you a solid understanding of what’s included in your branding investment, and what to expect when we collaborate!